Voucher Disclaimer: This gift voucher is valid until the expiration date stated on the voucher (12 months), after which it will no longer be redeemable. It is non-transferable and can only be used for the intended purpose specified on the voucher. This voucher holds no cash value and cannot be exchanged for cash. It is for one-time use only and cannot be used in conjunction with any other offer or discount, any remaining balance will not be refunded or credited. The voucher will not be replaced if lost, stolen, or damaged, so please treat it like cash. Sunset Valley Chicks vouchers can be used to purchase products from the website using the coupon code upon checkout or for purchasing poultry (fertile eggs excluded) from Sunset Valley Chicks markets. The sale of chickens is at the discretion of Sunset Valley Chicks availability, and the voucher holder must abide by their terms and conditions of sale. For inquiries or assistance regarding this voucher, please contact Sunset Valley Chicks at admin@sunsetvalleychicks.com.au |