This season our pens are ready and our chooks are starting to lay which means baby chicks are underway.
Heres a list of our sorted pens.
- Standard Buff orpington / Bantam Lavender Orpington / Bantam Black Orpington
- Standard Buff Cochins
- Standard Light Sussex / speckled sussex / lavender sussex
- Standard and bantam plymouth rocks
- Standard and bantam Australorp black. (some standard splash and blues may be avail)
- Vorwerk
- Lakenvelder
- Olive eggers
- Bantam Show girls (naked neck cross silkies)
- Silver Lace and Gold Lace Wyandottes standard. Blue Lace Wyandottes standard
- Brown Splash Wyandottes
- Japanese Bantam white (black tip) and birchen
- Lavender aracauna
- Millie Fleur Pekin
- Pekin Frizzle
- Polish Frizzle
- Light and Partridge Brahma
- Black mottle belguim d’uccle
- Frizzle Naked Neck bantams
- Silver lace wyandotte
- Rhode Island Reds
- Silver Dorkings
- Echequer Leghorns
- Guinea Fowl
- Muscovy Ducks